WHB 3rd ed : Battle report Slann vs Chaos


2000pts with 3rd edition rules, not so traumatic for Patatovich and me :)
Full report here http://nico-realmsofchaos.blogspot.fr/2013/06/battle-report-punitive-expedition.html

Propositions to ameliorate the game play :
1° Add bonus to combat resolutions when you attack rear or flank enemie units.
2° Add the difference between winner/looser combat resolution to the panic test result of looser.

Other conclusion, blast magic spell are really powerful, half of my Chaos Marauder Horsemen were burned in two magic phases but... c'est la vie :)



Characters: (Sh : Shield, HW : Hand Weapon, LA : Light Armor, Std : Standard Bearer, Sp : Spear)

1 Slann Spawn Master, 158 pts (General Level 15 Hero; Sh; HW; Hellhoned Blade/Sacred Blade)

1 Slann Call Leader, 43 pts (Level 5 Hero; Sh; HW)

1 Slann Watcher of Rain, 209 pts (Level 15 Wizard; HW; Cold One)
Battle Magic Spells : Part Water, Cause animosity, Leg breaking, Cure Light INjury, Aura of resistance, Lightning, Cause panic.
Necromantic Spells : Summon skeletons, Summon skeleton champion

1 Slann Master of Deluge, 107 pts (Level 10 Wizard; HW)
Battle Magic Spells : Dispirit, Strengh of combat, Flight, Part water, Fire ball, Steal Mind

1 Lizardman Thighsnapper, 196 pts (Level 15 Hero; Shd; HW; Spell Shield)

Troops :

6 Bull Slann Riders, 217 pts (Std; Sh; HW; Spear; Cold One)

10 Warrior Priests, 157 pts (Std; Sh; HW; War Banner)

12 Venom Tribes, 144 pts (HW; Blowpipe)

15 Spawn Bands, 150 pts (Sh; LA; HW)

21 Spawn Bands, 210 pts (Sh; LA; HW)

15 Lizardmen Warriors, 360 pts ( Sh; HW; Sp)

1 Troglodytes, 36 pts (HW)



Characters: (Sh : Shield, HW : Hand Weapon, Lc : Lance, LA : Light Armor, HA : Heavy Armor, Bd : Bardage, Std : Standard Bearer, Sp : Spear)

1 Chaos Champion, 191 pts (Level 15 Hero; Sh; HA; HW Parasitic Blade; Bow Hail of Doom)
Personal Attributes : Magically resistant, Atrophy, Blood Rage, Mace Tail, Weapon master

1 Chaos Doomweaver, 158 pts (Level 15 Wizard; HW; Magical War-paint)
Personnal Attribut : Great Fangs
Battle Magic spells : Corlight injury, Dispirit, fire Ball, stead Mind, Leg Breacking, Raze, Lightning Bolt, Rally

1 Chaos Warrior (Level 10 Hero; Sh; HA; HW)
Personnal Attribut : Great Horns

1 Chaos Warrior (Chaos; Level 10 Hero; Sh; HA; Bd; HW; Lc; Warhorse)

1 Minotaur Bloodkine (Level 5 Hero; LA; HW)


5 Marauders Horsemen, 392 pts (Std; Sh; HA; Bd; HW; Lc; Warhorse)
Dominant Attibut : Horrible stench

19 Beastmen, 260 pts (Std; Sh; LA; HW)
Dominant Attibut : Great Horns

19 Thugs, 254 pts (Std; Sh; LA; HW)

3 Minotaurs, 242 pts (LA; HW)

Chaos Allies:

1 Chaos Dwarf Champion (Level 10 Hero; Sh; HA; HW)

19 Chaos Dwarfs , 332 pts (Std; Sh; HA; HW)

1 Chaos Dwarf Swivel Gun Teams , 50 pts (LA)

1 Chaos Dwarf Tenderiser , 120 pts (HA; dB HW)


Well, it was a very interesting and plaisant game (and my slann army won ;) ).

Nico had very bad luck : he missed important tests like Ld test for minos and a WP test for the beastmen unit with the general.
The magic phase had a major influence on the final result.
"Lightning bolt" (Bat lv2) is a very powerfull spell. 1D3 F4 with no save : it's a good character and heavy cavalry killer. Other spells seems weaker or less easy to use.
Finally, "Cause Panic" (Bat lv2) gived me the victory.

I will propose a translation of the battle report in french soon.