Cap'n Smyrk's Random Painted Stuff

Cap'n Smyrk

Due to the current unpleasantness I've found time to do a little more do some more painting.

These are adding to my Star Trek themed Imperial Guard, originally painted to serve my Rogue Trader. I've wanted to make them more generally useful but they needed a commander as the Imperial Scout model I used for Smyrk himself was a bit rough and ready.

So I painted a Imperial Guard officer to act as their commander when they were acting a more loyalist (if poorly camouflaged) role.

The other one is just a normal guardsmen, just two more to go and I'll actually have a full ten...

Hoping to do some of the more classic Eldar warriors next.

Cap'n Smyrk


Great addition to Smyrk's crew. So if the new fellow is the weapons guy, would that make him something like Commander Tcherkoff? (Or possibly Djerkov. Transliterating from the Cyrillic is so tricky.) Anyway, lovely stuff. :)

Cap'n Smyrk

And as promised the classic Eldar Warriors.

Tried out a darker colour scheme than my earlier models better fitting the original Rogue Trader style.

Close up of the squad leader.

And the Lascannon warrior.

I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out, although now I kind of want to repaint the earlier ones...

Probably come to the end of my current productivity as I have returned to work but I will try and not


It's hard to argue with a good RT elf pirate scheme. :) Those are lovely old models. I'm quite fond of them. I like your color choices and I hope they bring you joy.

Cap'n Smyrk

Having said my recent productivity would drop off I've managed to paint another model!!!

This is an addition to my Euphoria Arbites Precinct.

Arbitrator Rhodes is one of the last two Arbites (1st and 2nd edition at least) I need to have the full set.

And a shot of the whole precinct so far.

I'm currently working on an update of an old paint scheme on a Jabberwock.

Till next time.

Cap'n Smyrk

The Fat Git

Some great stuff here. Love the arbites colour scheme. The black skinned orc is really neat too. just about everything in this thread is good.

Cap'n Smyrk

Well somehow I've managed to keep this productivity train moving and have painted some more minis.

Although to be fair one of these is cheating as it was already painted in basic colours...

This C29 Jabberwock was originally painted by my late elder brother some years ago and so I wanted to preserve the basic (eclectic) scheme in his memory, as such rather than repaint it I applied some washes and highlights to the existing colours.

The second mini I finished was an Imperial Inquisitor possibly reminiscent of a certain character...

As the model was otherwise mostly black I painted the inside of the cloak a dark red, although it's only barely visible in the photo above.

Till next time...

Cap'n Smyrk


First, splendid stuff! Love the inquisitor.

Second, I've had that model since the late 80s or early 90s, but by the time I got him he was just packaged with an ordinary plastic backpack. Did he originally come with that cloak? I know a lot of the earliest miniatures came with metal at one time. (I have a few examples, but not that one.) Not sure where you got it, but I love it! :)

Cap'n Smyrk

I basically picked him from the old catalogues on SoL as being most suitable for my purpose and went hunting for him. Part of that was because he had that cloak in the catalogue image.

I will admit having to find the cloak separately, at a fairly steep price although not the highest I've ever seen a Rogue Trader backpack go for.

Cap'n Smyrk


^I don't blame you a bit. That cloak is awesome! :) I'm tempted to search it down myself, even if I have to pay a modest premium, and strip and repaint my own example. More likely, though, I could strip and repaint and try to fashion him a similar backpack using bits and greenstuff. :)

Cap'n Smyrk

Keeping the enthusiasm going and have painted two more models to go with the inquisitor, inspired by the same source material.

Captain Hanz Ollow of the Perennial Sparrow and his beastial first mate Broo'Chakka.

Hanz with his fetching yellow trouser stripe.


These two along with the Inquisitor are for a scenario idea I'm vaguely working on involving the board sections from a copy of the old Ultramarines board game.

Till next time...

Cap'n Smyrk

Cap'n Smyrk

Another model off the leadpile.

This one has actually been in the pile for longer than most, from back when I was originally playing GW games, a freebie figure that came with White Dwarf (Issue 217, January 1998). Which had sat in its blister pack from then till now...

This is Zi'Phreap'Yoah, Chaos Android and somehow a member of crew of the Perennial Sparrow. More commonly referred to as "Goldenrod".

His presence on the crew ties into Hanz Ollow's backstory, which I haven't fully fleshed out yet.

Anyway heres a quick group shot of all my recent models for my scenario idea.

For more details and some WIP shots check my blog.

Till next time...

Cap'n Smyrk


Oh! . . . .

Well played!

Why do I get the feeling he does more than etiquette and protocol. Perhaps he has experience programming binary disintegrators? I'll not guess at what languages he speaks, but when he speaks them I expect it's best to listen.