Eldar Kill Team


I finished my 'Oldhammer' Kill team and thought I'd share!


Nowadays of course they're 'Asuryani Aeldari'. I've always wanted to paint some of these Goodwin metals and with the release of Kill Team 'Elites' (adding Striking Scorpions and Howling Banshees to the Asuryani roster) I finally had a reason to do so.

I don't know whether Kill Team gets played a lot by Oldhammer forum members, but I can recommend it. It's a lot of fun and gives you an excuse to paint up a small band like this to use in games. This team is about 100 points and I'll probably come back and add some more stuff soon (I have a heavy weapon turret with crewman, a Warlock and some more troops to fill out the numbers!).

Spent a bit longer on the bases for these guys than normal, mucking about with tiny little leaves and bits of wood and moss from the garden. I think it makes them look pretty special!

A few close ups...



Thanks for looking! Now to cover them in shiny varnish. I'll be going back to the Advanced Heroquest (http://forum.oldhammer.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=24630) Orcs in a bit. I have a large plastic Ambull to paint first! :o


^Well done Plip! And while I haven't played Kill Team, I've certainly heard good things about it on a few Oldhammer blogs. Happy to give it a go one of these days if the opportunity arises.