Old School Nouveau - Oldhammer Medley

Nicklas P

Thanks for the comments!

I finished these cyber twins recently. They're based on Goodwin's old thralls/servitors with various bits from modern plastic kits.


Nicklas P

Painted up one of Kev's recent sculpts, a goblin archer from Knightmare Miniatures. I decided to try something different and painted him with natural flesh tones. I think it gives him an uncanny look!



Absolutely gorgeous. The red nose and the stubble really makes him spring to life. The subtle rust effect is also great.


^That is indeed a frightening little gobbo! As Caradepato said, the rust is really very nice. And the red nose wins the day. :)
I thought I replied about the goblin earlier but I guess I didn't. There's a lot to unpack here. The technical skill shown in painting it is just beyond human. I used to make chaos weirdos simply by painting a goblin with Caucasian skin tones and it always makes a very uncanny looking creeper but this paintjob is just beyond the extra mile.

I like that he wears a hood... over a helmet... with a spike on it? How does that work? That's such a gobbo thing to do. I also really like that it's a historical style of helmet (skull cap with rondels) with a fantasy flourish (spike on top). It's also very upsetting that he seems to run around more or less naked under a maille shirt. Like that shirt probably has a canvas liner sewn inside it and that's all he wears. The mind recoils in horror at the myriad implications.

Nicklas P

Thanks guys,
@Tauntaun Scout - Heh, yeah the hood over the spiked helmet is funny, maybe it's how Night Goblins keep their hoods so pointy?

I've painted up a few more "greenskins" in the same style as the goblin above, really quite pleased with the look.

I also converted an old Ork Tinboy into a renegade war droid of sorts, heavily inspired by the ABC Warriors again.


Nicklas P

Thanks for the comments guys, appreciated : )

I've completed a couple of more robots. One based on an old Epic Knight Squire and the other one on a mix of bits from modern plastic kits.



The droids are so good, and the light turquoise and the green and yellow droids are particularly cool

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I saw the epic bot over on FB, and I'll say what I didn't say then:
I find the proportions and pose of it to be full of personality - the determination that its marching forth with, the fact that it has no neck making it look almost obstinate.