A Grand Sacrifice To The Dice Gods!

Howdy folks,

Me and a Gothenburger went to a tag team tournament in Västerås during the weekend, the same one that Cavetroll attended. It was T9A, not Oldhammer-related in rules (but to a decent enough degree in miniatures!), but the experience should be relevant across all ages and editions, for dice are an ancient invention, right? (Otherwise just delete thread. ;) )

This is a brief report, because it would otherwise have been one of constant, utterly constant dice misfortunes. Never have we seen such abysmally poor dice rolls for crucial tests through 4 games in a row!

For our fifth and last match, we got a table with a couple of sacrificial temples. So my teammate got the brilliant idea to rank our three most underperforming units in our armies, and march them straight unto the altar, and sacrifice them for free magic dice!

These were, in order of their lousiness:

1. A big Ogre cannon

2. A titanic Chaos Dwarf fire Daemon

3. A gigantic rock auroch creature ridden by an Ogre Hero

So we killed at least 1/3 of our own army in exchange for extra fireballs, and though the blood sacrifice was ultimately found unworthy (bloody right!) since we didn't win the game, we still performed much better without these terrible wastrels, than we did with them.

It was our best game in terms of victory and battle point results, and in terms of sheer fun.

So next time the dice gods hate you, throw the losers on the altar!
