Nurgle Warband project


Thank you. I think I will work on some plaguebearers while I wait for more chaos warriors. Technically I can buy them as Creatures of Chaos or potentially receive them as Gifts of Chaos.


Turns out I don't have 25mm square bases for my plaguebearers, but luckily I'll be getting some from my neighbor. In the mean time I've painted up some Nurglings.


Here he is in his unfinished glory. Plaguescum the Plaguebearer. Hopefully I roll him as a gift of my champion.


Plaguescum is finished. He was definitely fun to paint. Especially the face. The next plaguebearer will be darker in color.


King Arthur

Top notch stuff Sir!

Green Oil wash to start with?

The pinkish tones on the face are great, did you use acrylics for those parts?




I started with a grey primer. Then washed it with an Ochre color, then a green, then brown. After that I went back and highlighted with the a mix of the green, ochre and white. I used a pink wash around each wound and then decided to add it to the face. The pink on the face is more painted than a wash, but it was thinned a lot to keep the original contours of the face. I actually didn't use oils on this one because I thought they might be too subtle. Acrylic washes leave behind more color so when I do an entire mini in washes I like to use acrylic instead. Oils work better on things like armor and shields that have more distinct shadows, though you could still use them on something like this. I think on the next one I'll do a more traditional style and paint it green first then go back with oils for the shadows to see how they compare.


So, I went to my friends house down the street and traded him some Reaper miniatures for some oldhammer models. I go 10 familiars, a chaos squat, 2 exo armor chaos squat bodies, a dark elf blood bowler, and two "newer" 90's Bretonnians. Also got some 25mm square bases. I'll be painting up some of the familiars for a Nurgle sorcerer. Now I just need a Nurgle sorcerer. lol


I've decided to make a chaos warrior based on the story I'm writing for my warband on my blog. I am using the one of the Bretonnians I got recently and doing a slight conversion on his, just some battle damage and rot. I've blocked in the colors and done a few highlights on his armor. Next I'll be adding oil washes.


Olaf Corpsekisser is finished. Sorry there aren't that many wip shots between start and finish. Once I get on a roll its hard to stop and take pictures. Plus I usually paint at night and take pictures in the day so I have to stop painting to photograph the miniature the next day. Hard to do when you really want to paint. :oops:


Newest old miniature. FTT9 / C31 Giant Half-Troll Champion. I got this from my neighbor as well. At first I wasn't sure what to use him for, but eventually I decided he would be my army standard bearer. He is such a beautiful model that I'm not sure why he isn't more popular. I don't have his axe or shield, which is why I decided on him being a standard bearer. His armor will actually be silver, not bronze.


King Arthur

Looking good Urion :grin:

I like the subtle reference to Nurgle on the shield of the fallen Bretonian Noble, very nice touch!

I dont think I've ever seen that Troll model painted, perhaps after you've worked your oil wash magic, there will be a sudden surge of ebay purchases for it ;)


Thank you. :grin: The only one I've seen is the one Orclord has painted up. I hope more people will get the model and I plan to get another when I have money so that I can have one with the original axe and shield. I'm still working on him. I've done some oil washes on his armor and I've worked on his skin. Everything else is only partially done.



All done with my half-troll banner bearer. I am please with how he turned out. I have more pictures of him on my blog.



Thanks. The back was pretty easy, but the front gave me a little trouble. It worked out though.


I am working on my last 2 plaguebearers for my Nurgle army. I want to make sure I have a group of 3 just in case I roll the "D3 plaguebearers" result on the Creatures of Chaos chart. Eventually I hope to have a miniature for each result, but that is just a dream right now. I have done their undercoat and given them shadows with a purple wash.
