Golgfag1's preparations for BOYL 2016


Erny":21o3bd06 said:
Looking very exciting Golgfag1, the prospect of all that bare flesh, you will run out of tanned skin. We will have to come up with suitable rules for the rhino, perhaps as the mammoth but without the trunk attack and instead a charge attack giving +2 to strength like a lance. Frenzy or stupidity could be fun too.

Oh and Saber-tooth chariots for the win.

Actually Enry in the big scheme of thing, there's not that much bare flesh on display with the Celtos figures, there's one or two in their birthday suits, there' more on show with the Foundry & Ral Partha stuff, but as I've not got that many of them - it hardly shows!

As for the Rhino - the Mammoth seems a bit lacking in the pure blind aggression which is a rhino - I was think more along the lines of a Frenzied, heavily armoured scythed chariot, will let you have my thoughts in due course.

On that front here's a few pictures of the WIP


Paul / Golgfag1


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Fimm McCool

Celtos for the win! My 'High Elves' are mostly Celtos Sidhe and they're wonderful models. I like the chunkiness very much. They'll look great with your mad warbeasts!


Thanks for the comments guys, couldn't agree more with your assessment of the Celtos figures Geoff, I find them very easy to paint where as the grenadier figures - not so in my opinion; but the two fit so well together, apart from the Celtos horses which are just so out of proportion with everything else in the range! :( I'm using some spares I have from Gripping beast I picked up sometime ago - much better :grin:

Any way back to the painting table

Paul / Golgfag1


Needed a boost to the morale today - so finished the most recent purchases from Heroes of the Dark Ages, the two big mammoths, so here's a few shots of all the big beasties together, which will be leading the charge for my barbarian hordes! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now all I have to do is the remaining infantry support, cavalry and chariots (How do you eat an elephant ? - one bite at a time)

Paul / Golgfag1


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Looking very good, I may have to start collecting barbarians at this rate. Really very impressive.

The evil side is going to have an ogre horde, trolls, possibly minotaurs if I get them done, hydra, other monsters and Giants.


Erny":1qhx11vd said:
Looking very good, I may have to start collecting barbarians at this rate. Really very impressive.

The evil side is going to have an ogre horde, trolls, possibly minotaurs if I get them done, hydra, other monsters and Giants.

I wouldn't worry too much about the Trolls, Ogres & Giants as I have them covered in fairly reasonable numbers, but a few more wouldn't do any harm :lol: :lol: :lol:, so concentrate on the Minotaurs; I've just taken the Barbarian infantry over the hundred mark, if, I can get them to double that, I'll be happier .

Paul / Golgfag1


OK, here's the latest batch of Amazonian types to join the Barbarians ranks - finding the painting too cumbersome to achieve the numbers I'd like - as the skin is four layers of colour alone and then there's the plaid - May have to cut the numbers or simplify, if, I'm to get the cavalry done in time as well - as I can't see the wife won't giving me boot space for painting stuff when we go away on holiday, before BOYL! :lol:

Paul / Golgfag1


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Very impressive work and quantity but as a Scot even with the weather we're having just now I do wonder if these figures should have blue toned skin as they would be absolutely freezing in a normal Scottish summer never mind winter :o


inchmurrin":kbmsn30q said:
Very impressive work and quantity but as a Scot even with the weather we're having just now I do wonder if these figures should have blue toned skin as they would be absolutely freezing in a normal Scottish summer never mind winter :o

Thanks for the Comments, but, who said their were Scots - my take was Galatians, much sunnier climes - hence the beach-wear. So, for their equipment - don't think I'll be claiming HEAVY armour for these girls :lol: Now considering their banner - Screaming Eagle, what'd ya think?

Next batch already on the table.

Paul / Golgfag1


theottovonbismark":trhh6dd4 said:
Lovely stuff Paul, cool looking Amazons. I enjoy coming back here for a look at your progress. :)

Thanks, Good to know you're looking Sean. With a little bit of luck should have a few more in the next couple of days. :grin:

Paul / Golgfag1


Well here you go - one eagle banner for the boys &girls over the border 8-)

Paul / Golgfag1


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Nice banner :). Those lovely bright colours should stand out nicely on the table. All this Slann stuff has put me in the mood to kitbash some lobotomized eunuch troops - pics soon.


theottovonbismark":2f025jni said:
Nice banner :). Those lovely bright colours should stand out nicely on the table. All this Slann stuff has put me in the mood to kitbash some lobotomized eunuch troops - pics soon.

Look forward to seeing the results of your endeavours Sean. Will have to consider putting on a display at a future BOYL - wonder if, we could encourage Goblinlee to attend with his spawnings? :grin:

In hope

Paul / Golgfag1


Latest pictures of my barbarian horse who are currently passing over my painting station, as ever my pictures do me no fravours

Paul / Golgfag1


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