Golgfag1's preparations for BOYL 2015


Chico":piuugx1o said:
No mention of my 1-0 win of course ;) and for those wondering about that Catcher.. she's in the crowd ;)

And there was me thinking it was a friendly game, teaching me the rules of BB in prep for BOYL; Oh, well, which begs the question - why you didn't beat them by a wider margin?

Maybe you just weren't making those Armour rolls 8-)

Paul / Golgfag1


Golgfag1":39enlc6d said:
Chico":39enlc6d said:
No mention of my 1-0 win of course ;) and for those wondering about that Catcher.. she's in the crowd ;)

And there was me thinking it was a friendly game, teaching me the rules of BB in prep for BOYL; Oh, well, which begs the question - why you didn't beat them by a wider margin?

Maybe you just weren't making those Armour rolls 8-)

Paul / Golgfag1

That's a simple answer, it's cause I suck at BB :grin: hehe

As for you learning you caught on rather well so it wasn't a chore of a game but a rather fun entertaining one :) A few games under your belt and a numbered team and your'll be gravy for the Oldbowl.


Already, marked up the team and purchased a game, associated teams (plastic - uck uck) and bits & pieces and planning for a re-match, looking good at the moment! 8-)

Paul / Golgfag1


So, this originally started off as my - paint a figure in an hour challenge, daughter off to London, wife out shopping etc. here's the opportunity I've been waiting for; and then it started the phone calls, the deliveries, wife returns, lunch, do I go on; No, I bloody well just give up! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Any way this is what I ended up with before I gave up.
Paul / Golgfag1


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That's more than I get done in an hour. :grin:
Now enough of that sh!te ... start building a boat.


Thanks for the comments guys, their not quite finished and all in all, will more than likely take another afternoon of interruptions to get to a stage of being, where I want to be, but time well spent. They'll more than likely be my crew for the boat, which just needs its sails and rigging or a mercenary band looking for employment protecting a caravan somewhere on the Eastern steppes! :grin:

Paul / Golgfag1


Right, amongst all the other stuff I've currently got on the painting table I took the one hour challenge, again; but this time something a lot easier, simplier & thus a whole lot nastier to paint because of the latter - so, with a lot of dry-brushing and a burst of inspiration I present a 'C' series demon! Still needs to base sorting out, but completed well within the hour. 8-)


Paul / Golgfag1


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Here's what I've currently painting -those of you who've seen my most recent posts may see the similarities in the colours being used!

My plan is to complete ten figures per week on the run-up to BOYL2015, so hopefully I'll have a reasonably sized warband/host by the time I see you all there. 8-)

Paul / Golgfag1


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Ok, ship finally rigged, just applying paint to the crew and passengers!
Blood bowl team ready & able
Brettonians boxed and ready for Steve.
Wolf riders and Half-orcs ready with the horse nomads still requiring basing for the other Steve
Also bring my Lizardmen/Slann hopefully for a game of third against someone?
Might also bring my early 40k stuff just in case!

How's everybody else doing?

Paul / Golgfag1


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Thanks for the comments guys,

As for the sail - no, I'm not that steady with a brush over a textured surface, a hand drawn paper stencil, painted and lacquered in place.

Very kind words from a maestro of the knife and brush are high praise in deed - One day Nico we will have to have a re-match my Slann / Lizardmen against your forces of Chaos or whatever you've graced talent upon (?) - one day, one of us will cross the channel, one day!

All I do is apply the paint Chico, the toys do the rest.

Paul / Golgafg1


One day Yes... Cross the channel to play a huge battle ... An orgy of Oldschool lead, Like this :

Gamesday 1986.


I was there - Royal Horticultural Hall, London - just round the corner from where I lived, when I first moved to London. :grin:

Great days

Paul / Golgfag1


More work in progress coming to a successful conclusion - Seeker of Slannesh

Paul / Golgfag1

Yes, I know more naked, nubile Daemons :o :shock: :o , what can I say - I'm at that phase!


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Fimm McCool

Golgfag1":8uddrwbg said:
How's everybody else doing?

Chaos/Orc ship and crew, done: http://fimmmccools.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/sailing-for-adventure-on-big-blue-wet.html
Chaos and Fimir ships, built, ready for painting: http://fimmmccools.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/a-tale-of-two-longships-oldhammer-ahoy.html
Chaos Dwarf ship, done:http://fimmmccools.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/oldhammer-ahoy-boyl-2015.html
Blood Bowl team, done:http://fimmmccools.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/bowling-for-blood-black-forest-chateau.html

Goblink airship, in progress. Deathrace terrain, in progress. Electric Goats warband, picked, awaiting paint.

Slowly getting there.


Well done Fimm, looks as though we'll be playing fairly similar things all weekend, Hows your timetable looking for a game of Blood Bowl?

Paul / Golgfag1