Beer and Pretzels Gaming . . . Literally


So I bought a heaping bunch of castings from Ramshackle-C


And now I have this idea that two rival gangs are trying to win the lucrative beer contract. Of course being from Beer Town USA I had to label all of my kegs with local brews. In spite of what you might think of the famous one, our local beer scene is actually very impressive. And growing ever more so, what with the layoffs at the big boy and the growing local fondness for drinking about anything else. (You can even buy local craft brews at the stadium named for the beer from the local Gigabrew now. That's a change!) Anyway, there will be more. There's a LOT more resin gathering paint. And a fair few other oddments.


^Well, there are micro brews and macro brews. But some brews are just . . . bigger.

But big or small, they are all local to me. And most are even very good. (Most.) Heck, it's not obvious, but there's even a good variety there to satisfy all tastes. Some good English style ales, perhaps even requiring a pump. Some truly German lagers abiding entirely by the purity laws. An American Pale Ale. Possibly a stout. Maybe even some decent bitters. I might have missed out on the Belgian styled ales, but . . . I suppose the selection reflects my tastes in the end. (And I have more kegs, so there's time to correct it. I'm tempted to add some Nottingham brews as a nod to Ramshackle Curtis. Or maybe some Southwold something or other. (I did like some of those Adnams brews quite a bit. Though that's a bit far from Notts, to say the least.)