Wood Elf Ally Contingent


It actually dried a little better than it was painting on, but I still don't quite get green from Thornwood. Here is the test model I did (inspired by your colour scheme):

Thornwood is used on his sleeves (more visible from the back), and appears more khaki than anything.

Jeff McC

Goblinlee, Thanks! I enjoyed your wood elves when you first posted them - great looking army!

I've finished the treeman. Pictures below, the light wasn't the best, but I think I've managed to coax a couple of decent photos out of the camera. Rather pleased with how he turned out.

(elf for scale)


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Jeff McC

Sucessful Miniatures hunting. I managed to get my hands on 56 old metal wood elves at a reasonable price. 40 archers and16 spearmen. The majority are already painted, and while I fully intend to strip and repaint all of them, I think they're good enough that I can go ahead and put them on the table top, and cycle them through the dip a unit at a time. So without further delay....pictures!
Obviously first to be painted..

The hero I painted earlier will lead the spearmen


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fantastic stuff

How did you manage to get the spearmen? I had to sell my first born to acquire a unit.

Jeff McC

I got them at hindsfiguresltd.com ... the spearmen came to 2 pounds each, though the order overall averaged slightly less than that.

Jeff McC

The first unit of the midhammer plastics is complete - pleased with the results. (new old-metal next :grin: )


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Those elves look like they are at the audition for the part of the elf in "Heroquest the Musical" :razz: .

Very nicely painted though. I feel the need to reiterate my appreciation of your colour scheme and basing.

King Arthur

Looking good Jeff :grin:

Going back to your title of Ally Contingent turning in to a full blown army.....I had the same with some Chaos allies for my Undead.......I have enough Chaos to field a 6,000 pts Army now :lol:

Now I'm seriously considering an Elf Army......perhaps High Elf, as I have good gaming memories of being hammered at my local club years ago, all my lovely Zombies ended up as pin cushions :grin:

Cheers Gary
Jeff, what do you use for the leaves on the bases?

I have a High Elf army with an otherwise similar basing scheme (grey base top, static grass) that I have perennial thoughts of redoing as they look a bit dull by my present standards. But I've been building the army for years and the thought of rebasing all the models (over 100 painted) is off-putting. So, maybe adding some leaves like you have would be the answer here.


Magos Explorator":1tbg65y8 said:
Jeff, what do you use for the leaves on the bases?

I have a High Elf army with an otherwise similar basing scheme (grey base top, static grass) that I have perennial thoughts of redoing as they look a bit dull by my present standards. But I've been building the army for years and the thought of rebasing all the models (over 100 painted) is off-putting. So, maybe adding some leaves like you have would be the answer here.

Secret weapon miniatures sell some like that. I have some if you want to see what they look like in person.


Jeff McC":1o11pd2q said:
The first unit of the midhammer plastics is complete - pleased with the results. (new old-metal next :grin: )

Very nice, you have managed to make those old one-piece archers actually look deployable. I remember staring out with three boxes of those things (by that time they were 8 to a box) and I'm sure I still have all the boxes and figures somewhere. I have very fond memories of my earliest games, laying into the opponent with a deluge of arrows, thanks to those guys.

Jeff McC

I wish I could be more helpful with the leaves, found them at a local hobby shop, they were in a hanging plastic bag stapled into a cardboard fold over top, white with green print; it was completely not resealable so they went into a jar with a lid immediately. I don't remember the brand, but it wasn't one I recognized, like secret weapon, or army painter; I think they were actually meant for doll houses. In any case here's a photo to show size, I hope it's useful.


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Jeff McC

The second treeman arrived yesterday - he's a Reaper bones model. A bit shorter than the first but I think he's still big enough to be respectable. I like how looks like he's ready to go straight to punching stations, and I think he'll fit in well....I shall call him "Stumpy".


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Mister Rab

The "leaves" are the casings for birch tree seeds. I grabbed a single strip of them (a catkin? I don't know the proper term) and now have as many as I'll ever use:


I used a couple on the base of this chap I finished this month:

Thanks Jeff, ardyer, that's helpful. :) Yes, I may take a peek when next over (and bring a couple of my elves over to show you)! I really don't want to have to rebase the whole army so if they're a good size, and tone well, that could be my answer.

Jeff McC

The elves and treeman are coming along, albeit slowly. While keeping the fall palette I'm trying to push slightly brighter colors for the non-elite units. I'm finding it a bit tricky and I'm afraid the one 2nd from the right will have to get reworked, as the yellow's now reading like a yellow raincoat...The second treeman is coming along too, though I'm struggling to get the shelf fungi to look right.


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Jeff McC

Finished the second treeman. I'm rather pleased with how the eyes turned out. (and I am now, naturally, considering returning the first to the paint table and redoing the eyes to match)


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Jeff McC

Finally managed to finish 5 of the wood elves. 5 more to go. My usual batch painting approach wasn't working well with the group of 10, so I ended up breaking things down into groups of the same sculpt and going from there - that did seem help a bit.
I also had a bit of luck at the hobby shop yesterday - found these two (I know the painted one is from the Melniboneans range, but I think he's joining the elves anyhow, although I will try to pay homage to his origin in the painting) and 5 N11 black orcs, all without breaking the bank. (cue sounds of happiness)


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Jeff McC

In my excitement to declare the elves finished, I completely forgot the shields. Here they are with shields.

I also finished my lucky find. Quite pleased with the results - speaks to his origin as the Rackhir, the red archer, while still managing to blend in with the wood elf force.


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