Dragons Monthly


Re: Here be Dragons...

Lovely stuff.
Really like the two you have done.
I am inspired to start a similar thread.
As I come to the end of my stash of Giants for my 'Ere be Giants thread ...
It was always my intention to move on to the 'Ere be Dragons' thread.
Not sure I will find time for one a month ... but I might keep the pressure on a bit. :grin:
Which one is next?
Re: Here be Dragons...

Nice job on both those dragons! Can't wait to see what you do with your Thaindon... (I've just finished mine, Imrik is next once I'm done cleaning and assembling him!)
Re: Here be Dragons...

Harry":28iw98g3 said:
Lovely stuff.
Really like the two you have done.
I am inspired to start a similar thread.
As I come to the end of my stash of Giants for my 'Ere be Giants thread ...
It was always my intention to move on to the 'Ere be Dragons' thread.
Not sure I will find time for one a month ... but I might keep the pressure on a bit. :grin:
Which one is next?

Thanks for the encouraging words Harry :) I really like your giants thread, so i've renamed mine 'Dragons Monthly' so if you want to use 'Ere be Dragons, go right ahead! It'd be great to see what you produce! :grin:

My update is hideously late as usual, but here is the (mostly) finished...

April Dragon:

As I mentioned before, I wanted to give this Nick Bibby dragon a more 'realistic' paint scheme in line with his design philosophy for dragons, i.e. trying to make them look like something that could actually have evolved and lived. The scheme is borrowed from several real-life creatures, including the zebra-tailed lizard of America's Southwest, and the flying lizards of order Draco. The main colours used were Ushabti (Bleached) Bone, Averland Sunset, and copious amounts of the old Flesh Wash. I used some bright orange mixed with a light flesh tone to gradually build up a peachy shade on the wings, and the stripes are black blended to a dark blue with a few spots of light blue to highlight.

The base is not technically finished - I'm finding it hard to achieve a sand effect to scale with 28mm, so it'll need some more experimentation. There is a partially buried skeleton lying under the rock that needs finishing too, but i need to make some progress on May's dragon before another month escapes me!!


Not bad at all, Crooksy! I like the eye! Not so sure about the tail, but then again I'm not familiar with the reference material. =)


Looks great, I love the colour scheme you've used and think that realistic colour schemes can really bring the models to life.

The sculpt itself is very nice, almost snake-like in it's thinness. :grin:


I really think the white tipped tail is what makes the model even better. That and the nuances of orange to sand colour on the wings make the model look "alive" with the contrats of the black parts. I entirely agree with your approach to opt for realistic colours for Bibby's models, sometimes realisic colours are more surprising than the greens we see on so much other models.
I had a feeling the tail might have a polarising effect on people's opinions - I guess it's not to everyones taste, but dragons are such a subjective creature I find ;)

For those who might be interested, I put together a little collage of some of the photo s that inspired the paint scheme :)


I really liked how the pure white and jet black tail seemed to be so out of place - in nature, bold stripes are usually an indicator of danger, and there are few things more dangerous than a dragon :grin:
Captain Crooks":ams9thxi said:
I had a feeling the tail might have a polarising effect on people's opinions - I guess it's not to everyones taste, but dragons are such a subjective creature I find ;)

For those who might be interested, I put together a little collage of some of the photo s that inspired the paint scheme :)

I really liked how the pure white and jet black tail seemed to be so out of place - in nature, bold stripes are usually an indicator of danger, and there are few things more dangerous than a dragon :grin:

I like it much more than any tired monocolour dragon.

Evolution > someones arbitrary taste. The best thing about painting lizards and frogs and the like is you have so much freedom in interpretation.


It looks fantastic :) I love the white tail, it's not something you'd see usually on a fantasy mini.

Looking forward to seeing May's! No pressure :razz:
I knew May was going to be a busy month for me, so I set myself a 'small' dragon challenge... which I totally haven't finished yet ;) I was hoping this long weekend I would get a chance to finish it, so watch this space!
Count Von Bruno":k5mihfv7 said:
I want to see some Big Hat Chaos Dwarves mate, chop chop! :)

Now then, now then, everyone calm down, you'll get your dragons, dwarves, eagles, fimir, squats, goblins, elves, orks and undeads all in good time. Chill dawgs. I just have to finish the giants, barbarians, dragon ogres, bretonnian outlaws, man o war elf fleet and sea monsters first. Honestly. I'm not made of time.
Oh hey - I have the same Krynn dragon and it's being lying around disassembled for years.

Would you like to nominate a month and I'll do mine up at the same time?
Well, I had a dragon lined up for June, but my wife is insisting I wait till July to do that one (because I said I would paint it purple and she loves purple and July is her birthday SO...) so I need to pick a new dragon... shall we make June the month of The Red Dragon of Krynn?? :grin:
Okay folks, it's only 20 days late, it's...


This little Nick Bibby sculpt was given to me by our very own JB Asslessman, minus it's wings, which are presumably a delicacy in France. I gave him a new pair from the plastic Vargheist kit from GW's current Vampire Count range - the regular wings are far too huge, but the kit comes with a pair of smaller wings to stick on one model with the larger wings so you have a monster with wings on it's wings so it can flap while it flaps, etc etc...

I wanted to give this dragon a semi-diorama for a base, and unfortunately it's a little difficult getting it all in the one shot, and it's late so I might post some detail shots later, but essentially it's built a small nest in an abandoned building. I want to use the model in the Mordheim scenario where a young dragon has set up camp in an abandoned building, slowly hoarding it's treasures. This little guy has bagged himself half a horse carcass, and has been feasting by the looks of the bare, bloody bones remaining.

I painted this dragon in the scheme of a green gecko, because I like the vivid green, with the coffee-and-cream spots marking it all over. The green is mainly moot green, and the creamy belly is ushabti bone shaded to almost pure white. The blood and gore effects are a combination of red and brown washes, with some Tamiya clear red added liberally to give it that juicy feel :grin: The nest is made from intertwined 'craft moss' that I bought about 15 years ago and never used (it's still good).

Interestingly, this dragon has 'young dragon' written on it's base, but is often referred to in catalogues as 'young spined dragon', which you can take as a kind of foreshadowing if you wish ;) (though don't hold your breaths...).

Finally, because CVB pretty much demanded it, here is a Chaos Dwarf with a Moderately Big Hat. I seem to have splattered it with some white paint sometime just prior to taking this photo, poop...



Tim-Timmy? Is that you my boy? (turns to wipe a tear off his cheek) Boy how you've grown ! An dlook at those colours! You're beautiful ! I can see you're eating well, that's a good thing. I was kind of worried the Captain would only feed you with eucalyptus, koalas and kangaroos but I can see you managed to find yourself somehorse to eat too.
I am so moved to see you with such splendid colours, those grenns and bone coours fit you so well ! lats time I saw you you were all grey and dark...
Take good care of your skin and remember to take that gold bath every month at least, you have a delicate skin and you wouldn't want to catch anything.

Everybody seems to have one of your bigger cousins these days but alas that won't be my lot...

Be kind to the Captain, he knows how to treat dragons well and he is a good man.

Your papa loves you