D&D ADVENTURE! Chase to the Crystal City


"Robin" Robin replied as he paced around the cell. "I'm not a knight either, just a simple woodsman." Robin walked up to where the nuggets had arrived and peered at it carefully. "So, our money is worthless, our equipment is missing and our friends have still disappeared."

Robin turned to the elf, "you seem to have been here a while. Do you know where the crystal city is? How does this place even work?" As he spoke, Robin's hand tapped against his thigh in discomfort.
Yngwie nodded at the greetings. These people were lost, confused, and stranded in a strange place - it was time to tell a tale! Shame he didn't have his ax...

"I haven't been here much longer than you, friend woodsman, but it's not my first gig either" the elf chuckled. "The first thing you need to know is this - where we are right now, this station, is nowhere. It's not a world, it's not a city, it's just a bubble of energy containing matter with many paths stretching in all directions. We are perched in a place between space, an in-between dimension that allows travel over vast distances of 'real space' in the same time it might take you to travel on land from one town to the next. The IDRA set up these machines - 'trains', they are called, that take people, goods, weapons, materials, you name it, from world to world, place to place. The economy is a bizarre mess, nothing is certain, except the credit, of course. IDRA credits have a set value once you get them, it doesn't change, but to get the credits, that's the trick, isn't it...?"

The elf paused to see if his audience was taking it all in.

"Crystal City was the first place to become a credit-only economy. IDRA holds a lot of sway there, obviously. It's a major hub for trade and to get there, you need to either lots of credits, or, lots of cojones." The elf winked at Bari, who had no idea what he was talking about.

"If your mouse is in Crystal City, you don't have many options. We'd have to busk the rest of our lives to pay off all your fines, and get enough travel passes to make the trip. Or..." The elf stopped. "The walls have ears, friends." He winked again. "We'd best discuss this tomorrow when they let us all out. In the meantime, get some sleep, and tomorrow we'll find out about your friends. Hey Duke!" this last part was addressed to the hobo who was napping on the floor again, cheek squashed onto the nugget tray, "Duke, we're doing the Hobo Hop tomorrow, okay?" Duke muttered something about pebbles, which Yngwie took to be a sign of affirmation. "Get some rest guys... I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day."

There was another sound at the door - this time, after the bolts finished sliding about, a team of armed guards entered, accompanied by a blonde woman with tightly wound hair bearing a tray covered in small vials filled with a green substance. She placed her tray on the shelf that had once held the nugget tray, looked down distastefully at the prone hobo, and addressed the group.

"I'm here by company mandate to issue some restorative solution to you. If you would kindly line up and present your backsides, I'll begin the administration."

Unless the party wants to come up with some clever, yet ill-advised, escape plan to avoid spending a whole night in jail, I suggest you rest up, get your prayers in order (Bari), do some yoga (Seu) and avoid the hobo (everyone), then i'll assume the night passes without incident (except that one time that Bari started spooning Yngwie). Also, none of you have any gear or clothes on yet except for the paper smocks you were issued - all your stuff is being cleaned, decontaminated and if contraband, confiscated.

Bufo came to his senses groggily. His head pounded like someone laying into his skull with a warhammer. He tried to sit up, but couldn't - he was restrained by the arms and legs. He turned his head left and right - to the right he caught a glimpse of another figure on a bed next to his.

"R...Ram... Rambulge!" the halfling croaked. There was no response from the prone Spell-Sword.

Bufo licked his dry lips and tried again.


Rambulge stirred, snored loudly from his bottom, but did not wake.

Bufo blinked hard to clear his vision. He was in a.... room. With... beds. And, oh! A person was here now.

"Hello" croaked Bufo.

"How are you feeling?" asked the person. This person looked quite ordinary, it was an ordinary person. Bufo was surprised to feel so astonished to see a normal, average, every-day kind of person - and a woman to boot. It had been a while since he had seen either. Pity it had to be a human woman, she was quite attractive in a stern, uniformed kind of way.

"I feel crappy, like, a really crappy guy" said Bufo. He meant every word too.

"I'm not surprised, you had some nasty poison in your system. They assumed you were just drunk, but when your condition worsened, they eventually figured it out - just in time, to be honest. The healer said you were basically crossing over when they stopped the venom..."

Bufo gulped. He had nearly died twice in just a few days. This had been a crappy week, all told. He didn't know it right at that moment, but it was about to get worse.

"I don't suppose you could get these restraints off me?" The little thief was hopeful, but not overly.

"You and your friend are in a lot of trouble, you know?" the woman said by way of response. She had shiny hair, shiny like treasure.

"But... what did I do? That you know about, that is..." the halfling hadn't stolen anything for at least half a day by his reckoning.

"Your friend has one count of attempted assault and one of rare/exotic/dangerous animal smuggling to answer to tomorrow." Bufo's heart sank. "And you..." the woman looked at him sternly, "you are facing the same charge - smuggling dangerous animals is a serious offense, one the IDRA doesn't handle lightly. You'll be doing some time for sure."

Bufo closed his eyes... yep, things were definitely worse. Also, what the hell was an IDRA?


After doing more of his prayxercise Seu hada little toilet with the weird automatic water dispensor in the corner of the room.

He then leaned against the wall to get some sleep. Against the wall, it was like an instinct, the habbits form his boarding school time were back like it was yesterday. Seeing Bari getting closer to Yngwie little by little and the "Duke" looking for someone "fresh and clean" to sleep next to, he knew it was the only way "always back against the wall..."

"Lady, I feel you want to test my resolve and faith a little further and I am committed to do my best... I will not let you down"

The snorring of the "Duke" and Eggbert's tales about the golden number found in multiple everyday situations sealed his night ad he went to sleep...
First of all I just wanted to say how deeply disappointed I am in you all that a woman walked into your cell and stuck needles in your bottoms and noone, not even Bari, made a single lewd comment. For shame.

On the subject, you are now all fully healed thanks to the company's strict policies on prisoner maintenence and welfare (even that nasty rash is gone, Bari).

Bari will need to supply me with his updated prayer list for the day.

Seu's powers have reset, so he has 15 hp of hand-laying available.

Rambulge's spell quota for the day has recharged.

Eggbert's spells will be the same as the list he sent me, unless he wishes to substitute, in which case let me know ASAP!
Rambulge awoke to a quiet room that smelt strange - a sort of stinging smell that hurt the nose. As consciousness slowly returned, he registered that the sting was all over the rest of his body too - a whole body sting, especially around his private parts.

Thinking about his privates made him suddenly think of his toad - Lemmy! He tried to sit bolt upright but restraints held him in place. With a strangled gurgle he wretchedly tried to free himself, to no avail.

"Relax please sir" a suprisingly feminine voice said. The Spell Sword looked around wildly, trying to find the source of the sound. A face appeared in his vision - sternly attractive, gold hair in a coiled bun, a look of borderline concern on her face. Rambulge blubbered a bit. After a few tries he managed to croak out "where is my toad?"

"All the evidence has been collected together and awaits your trial, which will commence later this morning." The woman looked almost apologetic, almost.

Rambulge saw Bufo on a nearby bed, sitting up in his retraints and having some breakfast - judging by the look on his face, the food was either really good, or he was just really hungry - either way he was enjoying himself. The Spell-Sword's heart felt heavy as lead. He'd never been seperated from his toad, not since the day he'd found him. It was like a part of himself had gone missing...

Elsewhere in the complex, Seu, Bari, Robin and their odd new acquaintances were being discharged by yet another bored looking clerk and a trio of armed guards.They were each issued a bundle containing their possessions, minus any contraband (mainly cheese, "we cannot risk cross-fungal-contamination of the multi-verse"). Seu's armour was laid out on a table, and he was surprised to see it polished and mended. Likewise, the others discovered their clothes had been cleaned, darned and pressed. One clerk presented Bari with his neatly folded hessian potato sack - it smelt lemony-fresh.
Yngwie hefted a large, dented case, and gave it an experimental shake. "You okay in there sweetheart?" he murmered, his lips close to the rough surface of the odd container.

The clerk adjusted his glasses, took a deep breath and began reading from a sheet of paper in a monotone voice. "You are all now free to go. Your weapons will be issued to you as you exit the building; they are to be kept sheathed until you complete your journey to your own world. You've each been issued a travel pass that will give you access to a train that passes to a station as close to your own world as possible. From there, you will be teleported via one of our resident mages. This service is being debited from your account and will be payable if you ever wish to use our service for your personal travel needs." The clerk yawned. "On behalf of the IDRA, we hope you never darken our halls again."

"But what of our companions?" Robin fumed, irritated by the clerk's manner.

"The halfing and the human man that accompanied you are being charged with counts of attempted assault and two counts of dangerous/rare animal smuggling. Both are serious offences, and they are liable to serve some jail time in addition to further fines and restrictions. They are going to trial later this morning in the public court, where their company-assigned barrister will attempt to defend their case, unless..." the clerk looked at them over his spectacles, "perhaps you wish to represent your companions in a court of law? They have a right to choose their own legal representation..."


Nothing EVER happened in that cell and I have NEVER had anything go through my butthole another way than the one meant by nature...
as for lewd comments, I don't even know what it is... :ugeek:

As Seu was finishing putting his gear back on, he turned to the clerk and said : "Could you please tell us where and when to present ourselves if we were to represent them?"
He then looked at Yngwie "Have you ever seen one of those trials? I have the impression that a company-assigned barrister may not be the best way out, expecially when Buffo is in front of the bar. Do you believe we could stand a chance if we were to defend them ourselves?"

Looking at Bari and Robin "Friends, we have escaped the fire of an evil ogre magos, we have survived the burn of steam elementals and we even have talked a demon into helping us, we cannot falter in front of Justice ! (putting one of his hands on each of his companions) Brothers, two of our group are needing some help and we might have the solution in our hands and hearts, what do you say?"

Turning to the Gnome : "Eggbert, where are you going now? I know we have only just met but we are after a wizard and we will need some assistance from someone like you. I have nothing more to offer than the opportunity to fight for Good and to save people from a tragic fate.
The Lady of the lake is with us, Jordann the goddess of Larva (getting an elbow hit from Bari) - Jeeeeeeeez, say it right Brother ! C'mon, Luuuuurve (with evocative moves from the hips) - Oh right I meant, the Lady of the Lake, Jordann the goddess of (looking at Bari) Luuuurve and the four winds are with us. Now what do you say? There is much more to lose from avoiding a battle than to join it for the good cause !"

Once again, The paladin's heart was beating strongly in his chest driving a little more fire into his soul at each pulse,...the Lady had offered them opportunities and potential allies, they were full of energy like they never had in days, they just could not afford to miss this occasion.


Robin pulled on his hunting leathers, settling everything into position and making sure it was comfortable. "Cleaned", he muttered, "do they know how long it takes to get the smell of the wild into hunting clothes to make sure you can sneak up on creatures easier?" He sniffed the clothes again and shook his head in disbelief.

"I agree Seu. We have been through too much to abandon our friends now although I have no idea of the law or how courts run. Where I come from, the law is a little more free and wild. Perhaps one of our new companions knows something of this and I'm sure Bari will be able to sway the court, after all he can charm demons."


...there was a woman?! Somebody coulda said!!

Okay, in my defence, I was ill. And my 2 year old was ill. And my wife was ill. We were all ill. We're lucky to be alive. It wasn't even manflu. Totally Elephant Flu. I'm talking Whale Flu, even. Probably the result of the unholy union between the two. US Marines came to put us in quarantine. Fortunately, through sheer will, determination and the desire to save your sorry butts, I fought through and managed to recover in record time. You may bask in my glory now.

Lets see if I can make good.


Bari pulled her closer, breathing in the dusky fragrance of her neck.


He nuzzled in closer, breathing deeply before gently biting her ear lobe. She sighed his name.


"Wh - What?" Bari sat up suddenly. "But she said she was eighteen!" he blurted, looking around wildly, before realising he wasn't in that situation. The washed out light revealed Yngwie, leaning up on one hand, looking back at Bari, who was awfully close, one hand resting on Yngwie's hip. Wide eyed, Bari whipped the hand away quickly.

"Dude! What's it been, like, one day? One freakin' day! I'm totally rockin' the hair band thing, right, but please? The only person that's been in this cell that was openly gay was that bloody woman that injected that - woah. WOAH! Is that a - Oh my gods!" Yngwie scrambled away from Bari, drawing his soft fur coat around him as tight as he could.

Duke, who had been silently picking his teeth, watching Bari and Yngwie as they lay, grinned. "That man is hard for the bard!"

"She was gay?" Bari repeated, stunned.

"Who was gay?" Robin asked, rolling over and looking at the scene.

"I thought she was very cheerful," Seu mumbled, his eyes remaining closed.

"Is he gay?" Robin cocked an eyebrow at Yngwie, following Bari's confused stare towards the elf.

"You're gay?" Bari frowned at Yngwie.

"No way, man?" Yngwie quipped, settling down on the floor on the other side of the cell. "Just don't touch me. You guys do whatever it is you normally do, touch each other, whatever. Just leave me out of it!"

Robin stared. "You want us to touch each other?"

"That's okay to be gay, you know," Bari started sitting completely upright, looking at Yngwie with concern. "Jordann is all about luurve. If you find yourself diggin' on the fellas, that's okay. Jordann still loves you, man. And so do I," Bari said, nodding.

"No! NO! You were holding me!" Yngwie sulked. "If anything-"

"Are we playing hard to get?" Bari asked in a knowing voice. "Perhaps the elf doth protest too much?" Bari stood up.

"Stay right there!" Yngwie barked. "The lady with the green stuff? She's gay. You?" he pointed at Bari. "Gay! Probably him too!" A finger lunged at Robin. "Me? Not gay. Opposite of gay, right? Totally hetero!"

No one said anything, as the various occupants, apart from Seu, looked at each other, appraising each others apparent sexual bent. Without saying a word, everyone eventually settled down, mixed feelings of confusion, distrust and mild arousal permeating the cell.

"I thought the elf was pretty happy too," Seu mumbled as Robin lay down again. "I'm sorry to hear he's feeling down..."


The clerk sighed as he watched the party recover their goods. It was evident that there was tension - he saw this every day when guests of the IDRA spent the night in the holding cells with other gents they did not know. Maybe it was something to do with the green stuff Hildagard injected into them every evening?

He watched as the party discussed the option to defend the smugglers. Perhaps, if they really fluffed it, they could even end up getting the smugglers executed... he wondered if he could get off shift in time?

I created this list before I read the latest part of the story, so apologies if you think I might have had better options. Character wise, he was preparing for a full on prison break...

Cure Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds

Hold Person
Heat Metal

Remove Curse
"Alas I know nothing of the law in this place, save that they are very strict about blackboards. Was it a blackboard-related crime which has lead to the imprisonment of your two friends?" Eggbert was happy to see the loyalty these new companions showed for friends in need and felt moved to say more. "But if you are in need of a wizard, perhaps I can be of some assistance. Saving people from tragedy eh. sounds like meaningful work for a gnome. Ill trouble you to tell me more about it later, but all in good time. I can see that you have matters of jurisprudence to attend to for now."
The spell sword ceased his struggles and looked to this surprisingly lovely woman that addressed him.
Despite the dire straits, Rambulge found himself living up to the "bulge" in his name-.
Ah well, perhaps it was morning or he needed to relieve himself...this cell didn't give him any clues.

After a quick scan of the room and his hopeless situation, Rambulge decided on what he thought would be his best course of action...he began to sing to his captor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWabM9YzRqY&list=RDlWabM9YzRqY
Sorry I missed a night of posting, I lost track of time painting dragons, of all things ;) Bari, that was a hilarious piece you wrote, you have redeemed yourself sir ;)

The clerk looked Seu over, and reached without looking, for a sheet of paper to his left. He handed it to the Paladin and said, in his same monotone, "sign here." The Paladin made his mark, and the clerk shuffled his papers and looked away at another form. "You are registered as the legal defence for a Mr Rambulge Dungaree Pastorius, human male, no fixed address, and for King Reginald Goldenshanks the 3rd, Lord of the Pootling Downs, Emperor of the Nine Isles of Clive, Ayatolla of the Ayatol Attols, and Cheese Connoisseur extraordinaire, halfling male..." the clerk looked up at the party briefly, "no fixed address. The trial will begin in half an hour, you may take no more than two aides with you, the rest may view from the gallery or leave, as they please. Here is a list of the charges leveled against your clients, and copies of their statements. Your weapons will be available on departure from the premises, have a nice day." The clerk payed the party no more heed.

Sea glanced at the charge list and the statements.

For the records of the IDRA Legal Division and Inter Dimensional Police Force:
i) The party known as Rambulge Dungaree Pastorius,is hereby charged with one count of attempted assault on a member of the IDRA; one count of attempted smuggling of rare/dangerous species using IDRA services.
ii) The party known as King Reginald Goldenshanks the 3rd, is hereby charged with one count of attempted smuggling of rare/dangerous species using IDRA services.

I am Rambulge Dungaree Pastorius, an exile from Teen Town.

My best friend and pet toad is Lemmy Wurzel, and we have no fixed address.

I'm an aspiring singer and err labourer and leather worker.

My companions and I are victims of Waldemar, and we only seek to reclaim the stolen gem.

SCRIBE'S NOTE: The human known as Rambulge seemed extremely nervous and began blabbering about his innocence, acting very defensively, before becoming angry and using abusive language until restrained and sedated.

I, King Reginald Goldenshanks the 3rd, Lord of the Pootling Downs, Emperor of the Nine Isles of Clive, Ayatolla of the Ayatol Attols, and Cheese Connoisseur extraordinaire, being in sound mind and body, lately of my giant castle of solid gold by the Lake of Pure Money, do declare illegal all actions and procedures placed upon me at this time, being the present, and for all future happenstances, whereto-for I, being myself, am under duress at the hands of all persons, be they employees, managers, directors, stablehands, food vendors, loan sharks, real sharks, hedonists, mountebanks, alchemists, ventriloquists and so forth. The punishment for these legal acts shall be, by my royal decree, no less than complete dismemberment of all major bodily articles, and all other extremities, however inconsequent, and also burning of the parts, save for the head, which shall decorate the battlements of my giant golden castle until such time as the birds do pluck out the eyes and nostrils of the head, and the brains do pour forth in a sticky mess, after which the head may be utilised for entertainments various, not limited to the following; foot-ball, basket-ball, bowling-ball, baseket-ball, Ullamaliztli, sepak takraw, croquet, giant billiards, and skull-smash. Additionally, heads may be used as a form of ornamentation such as lamps, cane-stands, potted plant holders or a sugar jar.

SCRIBE'S NOTE: The halfling known to our records as Reginald was strictly prompted to focus on making a statement pertinent to the arrest at this time. Prompted with sticks.

My subjects and I were engaged upon a gourmand's tour of the Realms of the Worcestermark, when we had our cheese-tasting interrupted by a mouse-man, known hereforth as 'Douchethrane McDouche', who villianously stole the cheese from our very mouths and fled to his underground torture-dungeon, where he held many human captives, who were naked, and had cucumbers and other salad pieces intruding upon their persons in a Lewd Spectacle, which is no doubt a symptom of his excessive lustiness for food, and food-related perversions of a type which must be stopped, and we hence did go, through time and space using my special powers, to come to this place to return the items Douchethrane McDouche stole before he violates any more of the innocent public, which he must assuredly be doing right now, as this very parchment is written upon, with each encroaching word, another innocent may be violated, so you should go right now and catch him, and don't worry about me as I will remain quite willingly here to await your return, and maybe go out for a little for some fresh air and a biscuit, if that's alright with you chaps? See you later then.

SCRIBE'S NOTE: The halfling attempted to walk out of the room at this point, at which time he was restrained forcefully and returned to his cell.

Yngwie patted Seu on the shoulder. "Good luck in there sir knight, you'll need it I expect. I have no taste for courtrooms so i'm going to go check the train schedules - we'll wait outside for your return. Hopefully you'll have all your companions with you. Duke, we're out!" the elf nudged Eggbert. "Sir gnome, why don't you join us - a fellow like you looks like he enjoys his tobacco, and I have a pouch of fine Hinterland leaf that begs to be smoked..."

Bufo nearly choked on a chicken nugget. This morning was getting weirder and weirder. First he'd been made to dictate a stupid statement the moment he woke up, and then he had a needle stuck in his arse, and now, before his very eyes, Rambulge, the Spell Sword, Rambulge the Awkward, Rambulge who keeps toads in his pants, had just woken up and begun serenading the blonde woman with the needle fetish! He was singing her a song of lonely hearts while she stood, staring dumbfounded. As the song wound to a close and the earnest man stared at her longingly, her face slowly changed from mildly horrified to slightly apologetic.

"You poor man," she said, patting him on the cheek, "that was a lovely song, i'll be sure to tell my girlfriend about it later." She smiled at Rambulge wanly, then her face became serious. "You need to get up and get ready soon, you go on trial in half an hour. Also, here's a needle for your bottom."

If everyone (except Rambulge, who has no choice, and Seu, who has made his already) could state in their next actions whether they are staying in the courtroom to act as counsel to Seu, sitting in the gallery to watch proceedings, or hanging outside with the elf and the hobo, or any other action they see fit, that would be great. See you in court!


God you missed a day but Bufo's statement made me laugh like crazy, I could see him acting all cocky. The Douchethrane Mc Douche name just drove the final nail in the coffin. (stands and applauses)
Seu looked at Robin and Bari : "Brothers, We've been through a lot lately so I won't ask you to join me, however, if you feel like standing by my side to defend our cpative freinds, I will be most honoured... We are going out of here with them, do not doubt it. At the end of this day, everyone is going to be gay again!
(looking with a forced smile at Bari)
Bari, if you come to the court, may I suggest in a totally non-authoritive way to avoid showing your thighs or breast again? People are... you know, they... may be not ready for Jordann's view of Love, let's make it step by step will you? I sense people here are a little sensitive to any sort of (making brackets with his fingers) "unusual" behaviors..."
After the lovely nurse had stuck his bottom with a rather large and nasty needle and left the room, Rambulge sighed melodramatically.

"Huh, girlfriend eh?" he said wistfully, as much to himself as to his diminutive cellmate.

"You know, I've got this feeling she could be the one" he said.

The spell sword's gaze didn't avert from the ceiling as he began pouring his heart out, which meant he didn't see the Halfling roll his eyes and cringe as Rambulge started telling him about a lost love and how his mother ruined their courtship...
wether the morose adventurer heard Bufo's exasperated flustering as he trotted out this tale or just ignored it was uncertain...


Robin glanced at the door where the elf and gnome were leaving, then looked back at Seu and Bari. "We have faced ogres, fire hounds, goblins, orcs and demons. In all of these acts we have stood together, relying on each other, helping and saving each other. I will come to the court with you. It is not a place I would normally attend but neither will I abandon our companions."

Robin will go into the court with Seu and Bari. Gods know what he'll do but he'll go.
"Thats very kind of you," said Eggbert to the Leprechaun. "A nice quiet smoke would be very agreeable." Turning to Seu, Robin and Bari: "I did not know you were travelling in the company of royalty. His highness makes some very good points in his statement. If he is as eloquent in court, then I daresay you will have no problem securing their release. I wish you best of luck."


Bari adjusted his sack, releasing the lemony fragrance bound within. "Mmmmm-mmmm," he crooned, breathing deeply. "That smells court room ready!" He allowed Seu and Robin to share a brief moment of manly emotion, before patting the two on the shoulders and saying, "let's go."


Getting his 2 friends under his arms, Seu squeezed them against his steel armour (making it a rather painful experience) "I can't tell you how gay I feel right now, having you two alongside!" (that made it even more painful for his companions)
"Men of honour don't fear Justice; they praise it ! Let's get our companions out and head for that Crystal city"

His helmet attached to his side, Seu pulled his long black hair behind his head and attached them with a delicate and perfectly well executed knot, the court would have all opportunities to read loyalty and virtue on his face that way.
It was time. Rambulge, his hands secured in front of him with strange shackles that pulsed with magic energy, was prodded down a corridor. In front of him, another guard herded Bufo before him, poking occasionally with the three-pronged spear whenever the halfling seemed to be lagging. Overhead whined several floating globes, clicking occasionally and twitching in their odd fashion. Ahead of them lay the courtroom, and an uncertain fate...

Seu, Bari and Robin parted with Eggbert, Yngwie and Duke the hobo, who was hollering something to the desk clerk about his 'lucky pebbles'. As the gnome, elf and smelly human departed, a small, efficient looking man approached the heroes - he looked nervous, a little sweaty, and wore a worn, sombre suit of dark material with a little tie. His name was Clarence.

"Hello, my name is Clarence," said Clarence.

"Hello," replied the party (in unison? Probably).

"I'm your court-appointed assistant - let me be clear, I don't work for the IDRA." He seemed to wait for a response, but rapidly changed his mind in a nervous flurry. "I'm a mandatory representative of the Union of Interplanetary Justice, my task is to help acclimatize those who are unfamiliar with the laws and practises of the IDRA legal body, to prevent injustices done to those who lack comprehension of the complexities of Inter-Dimensional laws..." he paused a second for breath, then plowed on. "I will attempt to guide you as you defend your client, to the best of my ability." He gulped nervously. "I should warn you, IDRA employ whole legal teams to handle cases such as the one your companions have landed themselves in... they are very efficient. And... they dislike Union reps like me. It's a bit personal." He gulped again, like a fish. His voice lowered to a hoarse whisper. "I must warn you, the rate of success in defending outland clients such as yours against IDRA litigation is very low. Members of IDRA have special, legal privileges which make charges they press very hard to defend, and charges against them almost impossible to stick." Clarence looked around furtively as he confided this last part. "Mind you, don't go repeating any of that... the walls have ears around here."

In the distance, a bell rang.

"That's the signal that court will soon be in session!" declared Clarence. "Come, we must hurry and make ready."

Clarence led the party down a corridor - they were surrounded by a small crowd, all bustling in the same direction they were headed. There were representatives of many races, all carrying piles of papers, reading notes as they shuffled along; barristers chatted loudly with their aides, guards strode purposefully, spherical guardians hummed overhead. For the party, it was quite an overwhelming experience.

Then - the courtroom!

Rows of seats filled with all manner of beings sat before a grand yet functional judge's bench. There was a stand for witnesses next to the bench, and two smaller desks in front where the barristers and their aides would sit to make their cases. A burly-looking pig-brute served as a bailiff, his meaty fist held an ornamented yet very functional truncheon. Clarence ushered them to some empty seats towards the back of the room - it seemed all the creatures present were barristers of one kind or another. Some looked calm and professional, others looked pant-shittingly scared. One of them was a straight-up fish.

The fish-man saw Clarence, and his fish face pulled the fish equivalent of a sneer. He rose from his chair and... walked? Shuffled? Progressed over to where the party were seated.

"Ready for another day of humiliating defeats Clarence?" the fishman taunted in a surprisingly feminine voice. Was it actually a fish-woman? The creature had some kind of apparatus clamped over it's gill area, and tubes seemed to be piping fluids into the apparatus from a small tank subtly worn on it's fishy back.

"Hello Gillette, still fighting the good fight of justice, are we?" Clarence replied, in a way that was both defiant and meek at the same time.

"Looks like you've got yourself a nice little band of bumpkins here again - is that one wearing a SACK? Honestly, you are wasting your time, abilities and life in this pointless crusade... why not join the winning team, huh Clarence?" the fish-thing rolled his/her eyes and was about to continue when a loud bell interrupted.

"The judge is about to enter - everyone quiet down, and be respectful" urged Clarence to the party. Gillette rolled it's fishy eyes and progressed back from whence he/she came.

The noise in the room abated considerably, as the gutteral voice of the pig-bailiff bellowed out an announcement:


There was a low hum, and the lights dimmed and flickered briefly. The assembled barristers and aides stood up respectfully. At the front of the courtroom a black hole appeared, hovering over the judge's bench. At first, it was indistinct, but there was a small object in the centre of that black mass. It grew larger, and larger - or was it just getting closer and closer? Until almost without warning, a giant lizard was sitting behind the bench, as if it had always been there, and not just sort of plopped there out of a space-time wormhole. The lizard was twenty feet long and wore a wig. The lizard was Judge Busselton Jetty.

Clarence murmured to Seu from the corner of his mouth, "The judge is a member of a pan-dimensional race of reptiles, renowned for their cold-blooded logic and unflappable reason. They make excellent judges... when they aren't bound by all the IDRA regulations that is. The only reason IDRA employ them is because they have to... but they have ways of getting around unfavourable judgements with their loopholes and jargon." Despite the fact it was early morning, Clarence looked very tired. He'd been fighting a long, bitter war.

Judge Busselton Jetty was completely motionless, as lizards often are. The bailiff cleared his throat, preparing to announce the first case on the docket.

"THE FIRST CASE OF THE DAY IS THE IDRA VS. KING REGINALD GOLDENSh....it, what is this crap?" the pig-faced bailiff screwed his already ugly face up into an even more unappealing mess as he looked at the ridiculous name written on the docket. Judge Jetty's great, gold-rimmed eye flicked ever so slightly in the bailiff's direction.

"JUST BRING OUT THE FIRST ACCUSED!" the bailiff shouted. From a side door, his tiny figure seeming even smaller next to the guards that shoved him forwards, emerged the figure of Bufo. From the back of the courtroom, the three heroes could see that he appeared to be in good health, even if he was not doing particularly well.

"Come on then," said Clarence, "it's time for us to make our case". He led them down the middle of the crowded room to a bench at the front. Gillette the fish-thing was seated already at the bench on the opposite side of the courtroom. Clarence looked grimly resolute, without a single shred of hope in his body, but plenty of dignity.

"Good luck" murmured Gillette, loud enough for them to hear. His/her tone did not reflect the sentiment.

"She is such a bitch..." Clarence muttered under his breath.

A small figure stood up at a small desk next to the Judge's bench that had almost completely escaped their notice, due to it's smallness. It was a halfling, wearing a tiny, well-cut suit, and a pair of spectacles that seemed to be standard issue for all clerks, everywhere. The halfling cleared his throat, and in a shrill voice, addressed the judge.

"Your honour, these are the charges laid against Mr King Reginald. One count of attempted smuggling of rare/dangerous species using IDRA services."

The great lizard shifted it's bulk slightly. A great rumble, sounding like one of the great IDRA machines, emanated from the judge's throat.


One of the guards standing behind Bufo nudged him with his spear.

"OW! Erm, not guilty!". Another swift nudge with the spear, and the halfling squeaked "Not guilty YOUR HONOUR!"

Clarence sighed and whispered to Seu, "Make sure you always address the judge as 'your honour', or 'your eminence', do you understand?"

The halfling clerk motioned to the bailiff, then nodded to Gillette, who shuffled some papers with her... fins, and stood calmly. The bailiff left the room briefly, then returned carrying a box with a sheet over it. He placed it roughly down on the clerk's desk, then returned to his station. The clerk announced, "the prosecution will now state its case."

Gillette smiled, then began. "Mr King Reginald, on the date of the 3rd of Maquest, year 2014 of the Inter-Dimensional standard calendar, you entered IDRA Grand Central without a valid travel pass, and had hidden upon your person a rare, dangerous breed of animal, which you intended to smuggle via IDRA transportation services, is that correct?"

Clarence nudged Seu, "you're allowed to shout 'objection' if they say anything that you find objectionable - no, not now, it's too late, but, you know, next time..." the advisor trailed off.

Bufo replied to the accusation with a fairly unconvincing 'no'.

"I respectfully request," continued the fish-woman, "that the evidence be presented to his Eminence Judge Jetty". The halfling clerk grabbed a corner of the sheet covering the box in front of him, and whipped it away. Under the sheet was a transparent box, and contained within, Seu, Bari and Robin could clearly see the sleeping form of the Hellhound puppy they had found in the ogre's lair back in their own world...

Bufo gulped visibly. Clarence, seeing the look on the halfling's face, subtly face-palmed himself. Gillette smiled a fishy smile. This was going to be an easy morning, she could just tell.


"OBJ-" Bari barked, before having his foot stamped on by Clarence.

"SHHHHHH! Shush! Not you! Him!" Clarence pointed crossly at Seu. "He's the appointed representation! You? Aide! Aides don't get to shout objection! No objections for aides! Okay?"

The curious fish ladyman sat with a smug expression on her face as she watched the cold eyes of the judge focus on Clarence.

"Sorry, Clarence," Bari mumbled as he sat down, head down. He'd have to settle for passing notes to Seu. He quickly scrawled on a piece of paper the word "OBJECTION!!!" and passed it helpfully to Seu, pointing meaningfully at the word, before sitting back with a thumbs up.


Seu stood at once and gave a circular look around the room to catch as many eyes as he could before looking in the direction of Judge Bussleton Jetty " With all due respect your eminence, I shall object to the charging lawyer!
Mr Reginald here has indeed entered Grand Central without a valid travel pass like all his companions and for that he shall receive the right treatment as we all have. The fact he had hidden a rare, dangerous breed of animal on himself is a suprise to me but it is the truth. What is NOT correct though is the intent to smuggle anything through the IDRA transportation facilities.

May I ask Mister Reginald to stand up your eminence?

- Mr Reginald, Can you tell us what were the means you used to come to the IDRA transportation facilities

- You know that, you were just there squeezing me like a qu...

- Please tell this respectable court what means you used Mr Reginald...

- Well, we have been sent here by a demon.

- Did you invoke that demon Mr Reginald?

- No way ! why would I invoke a demon who would want to burn my as...

- And would you have been able to invoke one if you had wanted to Mr Reginald?

- Do I look like someone able to summon a demon to you for the love of Cheese!

At this point, the court was whispering and the general consensus seemed to be such a crude creature clearly wasn't able to do such a thing

- No I don't think you do Mr Reginald , Said Seu smiling... And do any of your companions have the ability and will to invoke such creatures?

- You kidding?, you bunch of goody-goodies! Who would be able to do this?

- I'm asking you Mr Reginald, did any of your companions invoked the demon that sent you here?

- 'course not, Damnit Seu, why are you playing dumb!

- Mr Reginald, can you tell his eminence and this respectable courtroom who did then?

- It's that damn Douch... (Bufo cought Seu's angry eyes and for once he saw all the consequences that laid behind his being cocky here) I meant Waldemar Cheesethrane, it was this person who invoked the demon that sent us here.

- Thank you Mr Reginald, one last thing though, could you tell us who invoked that Cub you were holding when arriving here?

- Well, I'd say, that same Waldemar guy!

- Thank you Mr Reginald. (turning to the judge), Your eminence. Mr Reginald has indeed arrived in the IDRA facilities by illegal means bearing illegal produts with him. It appears though that he was sent here, a place he had never visited (I am sure your services can back this easily), by a registered user of the IDRA services. The whole party accompagnying Mr Reginald has been brought to a place they had never visited and didn't even know by means they do not possess. I believe your honour will agree there was clearly no INTENT to break any of your laws and that Mr Reginald and his companions were just the victims of one of your registered users. It's a group of VICTIMS who have arrived here, not a group a CULPRITS! The charges standing upon Mr Reginald are therefore invalid your honour..."