Lego Mordheim


With the Bank holiday in full effect the boy and I decided to pull out his Lego Mordheim city to play another episode of the tale of 'The broken king'.


The Broken King stood upon the parapit of the gate house and despaired at the sight of his ruined capital before him.


The Comet had hit while he was away on crusade. Within the blink of an eye his once great capital had been destroyed. With the destruction of his seat of government, his kingdom had fragmented like a cart wheel without it's hub.

Insidious forces both within and beyond his borders had struck at his weakened state with vulpine hunger, ripping his kingdom apart.


Thankfully the first battle of the Gatehouse had been won, his toe hold on his city secured! Now onwards to the Temple of 'Sigmar is AWESOME!'

If anyone is interested the rest of the battle report is here


On a related note, my 11 year old has been rolling up WFRP characters and then making them up as Lego minifigs. Nothing as grand as your scenery though.


thanks for the positive comments. It's just fun to play with the boy and not have to flinch everytime he reached for one of my miniatures.

Before 'the desolaition of Ellison' we made an effort to buy the bits in to make the figures look more 'Mordheimy' but kind of lost the will after so many of the pieces went 'missing'.